Restoring patients to their optimal movement, posture, & health.

 *All testimonials below have been posted with permission from the respective clients as a testament to how Shannon has helped in their health journey.


“After I hurt my back several years ago, I had pain in my upper back, neck, and shoulder blades every time I played football. It was painful just carrying my backpack around at school. Mrs. Shannon used a combination of manual therapy and Pilates-based exercises, and for the first time I was able to play football pain free. It doesn’t hurt to carry my back pack anymore either!”

Cole O.

“Following a double mastectomy and total shoulder reconstruction, I began having terrible neck pain and chronic headaches which Shannon was able to help me with. So naturally, when I broke my elbow and needed physical therapy, I sought her out again. She not only helped me get my elbow moving without pain, but she did it quickly! She worked diligently to make sure that I was able to take a two week trip to the Holy Land, during which I had no trouble maneuvering my luggage every day of the trip, all by myself.”

Suzanne D.

“Shannon uses a unique approach among physical therapists that allowed me to actually enjoy the process of regaining the movement in my shoulder after a very complex shoulder surgery. She treats people as individuals and takes a holistic approach to get maximum results.”

Mark C.

“Over the past 6 years, I have seen several local physical therapists, and logged hundreds of therapy appointments but nothing seemed to help. I travelled everywhere from Florida all the way to California to try and find some relief from a chronic neck and hip issue. Then about six months ago I was introduced to Shannon. Her methods are totally unique and more effective BY FAR than any of my previous therapy visits. She actually understands how the body is intended to work...I owe her more than I can ever repay!!!”

Donnie R.

“My quality of life has changed greatly since starting therapy at Restore Manual Therapy. I went to chiropractors for 25 years for a chronic lower back issue and after 4 months with Restore my pain went from a level 8 to a level 3. A year later I have no chronic pain in my back. As other issues have popped up during this time, Shannon has been able to address them as needed. Her health approach and her positive outlook will keep me as a long-term client!”

Valerie P.

“It’s hard to watch your child struggle with continual pain. Cate’s injury was so painful she was not even able to lift her arm above her shoulder and certainly couldn’t take part in the sport she loves. We tried several different options, but nothing truly worked for her until we found Shannon Skelton at Restore Manual Therapy! Thanks to the treatment Cate received, at Restore, she is pain free and able to be back in the water racing again.”

— Dena N.